Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Monday, February 21, 2011

BLOG 9 - The Shapers of Russian History

Directions: Choose either a person(or group) or event to study and write a paragraph summary of that person's life/ group's rise to power/ events' significance to Russian history. Be sure to include a link to more information. Remember, this assignment must be written in your own words.

Each person/group/ event may be discussed no more than 3 times.

Influential People/ Groups:

Kievan Rus
Ivan III
Ivan IV (the Terrible)
The Romanovs
Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
Alexander I
Nicholas I
Nicholas II
VI Lenin
Josef Stalin
Nikita Khrushchev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
Vladimir Putin
Dmitriy Medvedev

Significant Events:
The establishment of the Rurikid Dynasty
The Rus-Byzantine War (941, 1042, 1043 - any)
The Christianization of Kievan Rus
Battle of the Kalka River
Mongol Invasion of Russia
The Siege of Kazan
Feodor I gains the throne
The tales of False Dmitriy I, II
Russo - Polish War
Pusso-Swedish War
The Salt Riot
Peter the Great's Westernization of Russia
The Great Northern War
The French invasion of Russia
Emancipation reform of 1861 (serfs freed)
Bloody Sunday (1905)
World War I
The Bolshevik uprising
USSR created
Russian famine of 1921
Gulag/ The Great Purges
The Cult of Personality
The Cold War
The Space Race
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Singing Revolution
perestroika and glasnost
USSR dissolved
The Chechen Wars
Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis
Beslan Massacre
South Ossetian War


2gunn kevis said...

the person iam writing about is vladimir putin

vladimir putin was elected president of russian fedration in 2000 as the hand-picked successor of boris yeltsin. after
earning a law degree in 1975, Putin joined the KGB, the security force of the former Soviet Union. He spent years working primarily in East Germany, then left the service in 1991 and became active in the politics of St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).

Unknown said...

The Cold war also in short to me is a pitty of the mind to who inlight to over rule the saying of good versus evil I dislike this article, the breathe undertaking misunderstanding between Moscow and Washington United States against the communist Soviet Union. Eastern Eruope wanted to expand their security zone the United States also built a security zone themselves the big concept to the two are distrust and misunderstanding to the conflict.
Before the Cold War even started to the mid-late-1945, it was more political than military. Tension to the increasingly militarized struggle and so much events that take place the China takeover, pronouncement of Truman Doctrine, and the Soviet nuclear weapons. But the truth is both US and SU both want blanace of power.

In 1953 a guy namne Nikita Kruschev found that more politically to not pormote effort to cooperation. Thats the badside for us the good news is both sides had invested hug amounts of money in nuclear weapons its the COLD WARS!!!!!!!!

Nuclear weapons became more of a way to sell more and more weapons. Both what more power to position missile systems in ever closer proximity to each other's borders.

In the fall of the conflict to the Cold War, had lasted for forty-six years.

DloMcCluster22 said...

Alexander 1 was the brother of Constantine.He was born in St.Petersburg in 1777 He was an Russian Empire.He was greatly influened by Catherine the Great.He died in 1825 and his legacy will always be rembered....

Gotta Love Nick said...
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Gotta Love Nick said...


This event came from workers that was tired of working so many hours but so little pay and bad working condition. George Gapon made a petition outlining the workers sufferings and damands. Everything was going fine until Gapon led a big procession of workers to the Winter Palace to present the petition to Nicholas II. Then POW BANG it was attacked by the police and Cossacks. 100 dead 300 wounded.

Unknown said...

Ivan IV ( the terrible )

Ivan was born on the 25th of August 1530, he was named grand duke after his father died in 1533. He then took over the government in 1544 only at the age of fourteen. He searched for ways to get more power by killing his enemies and taking the title of tsar. On January 16th 1547, he was announced the first Russian tsar by the metropolitan of Moscow.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

josef stalin was born Iosif vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, in Gori 1879.Josef stalin became the leader of the union of soviet socialist republics (USSR). Between 1922 and 1953 he was the secretrary general of communist party. at 1 point he studied for priesthood. in 1899 he began a career in the social democratic party.

JSmoove2456 said...
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JSmoove2456 said...

Peter the Great

Peter the Great was born May 7,1682-February 8, 1725. He ruled Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May 1682 until his death, jointly ruling before 1696 with his weak and sickly half-brother, Ivan V.He carried out a policy of modernization and expansion that transformed the Tsardom of Russia into a 3-billion acre Russian Empire, a major European power.

Anonymous said...
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TakiyahStewart said...

Catherine the Great

Catherine was a German princess who married Peter. Both of them were know as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. When Catherine married Peter she became a member of the Russian Orthodox church. To make the population grow, she didn't focus on how many people knew her, yet she focused on how to help Russia develop better. The first thing that was controversial that Catherine did was to secularize the church lands. She worked to increase education in Russia.

malaysia said...

Catherine the Great was born in Settin. On May the second in seven teen - twenty nine. She was the Empress or ruler of Russia. But she quit after her husband was assainated on July the ninth in seventeen ninty six. Her husbands name was Peter. She died on my birthday which was November the seventenith. She improved Russians admistration including the Western European lines. Catherine's rule re-vitalized Russia, which grew stronger than ever and became recognized as one of the great powers of Europe.

Kevmcturn said...

There is disagreement among historians regarding the starting point of the Cold War. While most historians trace its origins to the period immediately following World War II, others argue that it began towards the end of World War I, although tensions between the Russian Empire, other European countries and the United States date back to the middle of the 19th century

Unknown said...

the people started killin because they were tired of workin so many hard houreIn St. Petersburg in Russia 300,00 people went to a winter palace then they blames all of the dealth on one person.

Anonymous said...

Peter the Great was ruled the Russia until june 9, 1672 to feb. 8,1725. Then he later moved on to the russian empire until his death. In his family there was alot of different deaths and he had went through alot of things to. Peter had taken oover Russia from his half sister and her name was Sophia.

- Kimberlee.Lashay :) - said...

Bloody Sunday is basically about how back in the 20th century, when russians used to work in factories and the conditions where bad. Many of the russians decided to go on strike, so to calm everything down a man name George Gapon decided to talk to Nicholas II about having the workers sign a petition about their sufferings in their work enviroment. 150,00 people sign the petition and agreed to let George lead them to Nicholas to talk about the petition. When they got to where he was at, they were attacked by cossacks and police. 100 died and 300 were hurt. That started the 1905 Revolution.

Cold Piece said...

Peter The Great

Peter the great was great at many things. Peter’s greatest accomplishment was that he educated many of the would be illiterate Russians. They thanked Peter for what he did because there was no other like him. He made them become the highest standards. That is the person i chose.

Anonymous said...

*Alexander 1 :

Alexander the first was born in 1777. He is also known as Alexander the Blessed. He was born in Saint Petersburg. He was raised by his grandmother, Catherine the Great. He was taught by his grandmother very early on how to manipulate those who loved him. Alexander was the eldest of four brothers. He succeeded to the throne after his father was murdered, and ruled Russia during the chaotic period of the Nappoleonic Wars.

*Interesting Facts :

1. In foreign policy Alexander gained certain successes, mainly by his diplomatic skills and winning of several military campaigns.

2. In particular under his rule Russia acquired Finland and part of Poland.
3. He married 14 year-old Louise of Baden at the age of 15 years old!

*Death :

It was said that Alexander did not die in 1825, but chose to "disapear" and to live the rest of his life in anonypmity.

Trey said...

Bloody Sunday

On this crazy sunday workers that were on strike along with their families. They were at 6 points of st. petersburg. When they strted to sing a song ''god save the tsar''. Later on during the strike gun fire broke off on the strikers. It was said that 1,000 were killed or injured

ML said...

The cold war begin around mid-to-late 1945. The United States and Soviet Union and was a dispute between the two countries.

calebmchudson said...

WW1 late summer in 1914, ancient monarchies of Austria, Russia and Germany allied their countries into a world war which engulfed Europe in one of the bloodiest conflicts in history. ... The Russian Army of World War One has become notorious for its reputation as a large, ... Their next offensive came on May 1

teemiller said...

I'm going to talk about the Cold War.It was a war that include man people.But no one know when this started and it was similar to World War 2.The u.s was involved in the war also by fighting Vitenam.When the US fought they fought hard and costly but by fighting they made the Econmy bad.The Cold War lasted for 46 years which is long time but I just learned about this because I never heard of the Cold War.I enjoyed learning about it.

mani said...

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin is the president of the Russian Federation. He went to University in St. Petersburg and graduated in 1975. His career stared in 1994 as head of external relations and that where it took off and lead him into becoming a president

Beauitful said...

Beslan Massacre

This was about a group of armed mostly Lngush and Chechen militants which had a three day hostage taking over 1,100 people and over 380 left dead including 777 children. It begin on September 1 2004 at School number one. On the third day of the standoff the Russian had to stormed the building with tanks and other weapons.At least 334 hostages were killed and 186 children and hundred more was injured and missing.

Rashayy said...

Vladimir Putin-

Vladimir Putin was born in Russia on October 7,1952. Vladimir was Russia's second President for the Russian Federation. He's now the Prime Minster of Russia. He early childhood he's mother was a factory worker and he's father was in the Soviet Navy. His first term of being in office was from 2000-2004 on Dec.31,1999 it was final that he was the now the President of Russia. Then he got re-elected in for a second term of being President in 2004-2008 he had got 71% of the votes from people. People thought that he had treated the independent sources of the political power in Russia....

Where I got my information from-

Unknown said...

Joseph Stalin-
Joseph Stalin was the second leader of the Soviet Union. His real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Stalin spent his first years after the revolution building his post as general secretary secretly into the most powerful one in the communist party. In 1939, Stalin made a Pact with Nazi Germany which divided Eastern Europe between the two powers. The official version has been: In 1941, however, Hitler broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union Under Stalin's leadership, the Soviet Red Army put up fierce resistance, but were ineffective against the advancing Nazi forces. Stalin accused nine doctors, six of them Jews, of plotting to poison and kill the Soviet leadership they were innocent but still aressted. he lived from 1879-1953

Hae Raven:) said...

Ivan's parents were Vasily II and Yelena of Borovsk. He was co-regent with his father during the later years of his life until he turned 3 years old when Vasily, Ivan's father, died. Ivan tenaciously pursued the unifying policy of his predecessors. Nevertheless, he was cautious to the point of timidity. He avoided as far as possible any violent collision with his neighbors until all the circumstances were exceptionally favorable, always preferring to attain his ends gradually and circuitously. The Grand Duchy of Moscow had by this time become a compact and powerful state, whilst her rivals had grown weaker, a state of affairs very favorable to the speculative activity of a statesman of Ivan III's peculiar character.

isaiahdatguy said...

I'm doing Mongols

the mongols are people that are mainly located in Mongol China. There is an estimate of 11 billion people in this culture.

DaBaller15 said...

Ivan the third was the grand prince in Moscow. He fought in series of wars. Later in his life he planned to build buildings in Kremlin and made tower gates. Ivan reigned for 43 years intill his death in 1505.

Unknown said...
Peter the Great was born in 1672 and he died in 1725. peter the great helped change russia for the better.He changed the government, modernised the army, created thee navy and increased the subjugation and subjection of the peasants.

PocaaHontas said...

- Russian famine of 1921

After the killing fields of the First World War, in Russia and other places, the rampant spread of disease throughout a lot of communities. There came the threat of food shortages that put an estimated 32 million lives at risk in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. Thousands of villages were abandoned and had to search for food if the were able to find it


Do what you like: Be made into a basketball player said...

World war 1 was one of the biggest wars in history. There was over 70 million soldiers involved. The reason the war was started is because of the assassination of there heir to the throne of austria-hungary. There was more that 9 million soldiers killed because the quick advancements of technology.

Hartasia said...

Chernobyl -Disaster

This was one of the worst nuclear power plant accidents in history. Occurring in April 1986 when dangerous amounts of radiation were let into the air and exploding the community. A total of 134 of the staff and emergency workers suffered acute radiation syndrome. About 28 of them died over the months after the accident. Skin injuries and mutilation was amongst the survivors. This caused major damage to social and its economic impact which it is still impacting to this day affecting human, animals, and environment. The people are still trying to redeem from the accident.

^^^^Looking at the pictures and everything that happened is so sad, scary, and creeping I could not imagine what had happen there. I hope this never happen to anyone or countries!

gorgXiomara said...

Boris Yelstin (:
Boris was elected President June 12 1991. He was elected president of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. He won with 57% of the of the votes. He was born in a village called Butka in the districy of Talitsky District. He came form a 2 parent home. His father in Construction and his mother was a seamstress. Yelstin studied at Pushkin High School. He participated in skiing, gymnastics, volleyball, track and field, boxing and wrestling. He managed to to all those sports despite missing his thumb and index finger, which he lost trying to dissect several stolen grenades.

dsderrick20 said...

Vladimir Putin

He was raised as an only child; his two brothers died young,Putin was baptized in the Russian Orthodox faith.Russian troops captured Grozny after Puter came to office.Putin, whose hard-line stance against Chechnya greatly contributed to his political popularity.

All about buisness said...

The Event I choose to write about is the Beslan Massacre. This was a massacre that occurred at a Russian school. It happened September 1, 2006. 186 children were killed as well as 158 adults. This was a tragic event as Baslan's number 1# school in North Ossetia, Russia.

Keeve Lovee said...

Alexander I

He was also known as Alexander the Blessed served as Emperor of Russia from March 23, 1801 to December 1, 1825. He was born in Saint Petersburg.He was the oldest of four brothers. He succeeded to the throne after his father was killed.there are rumors that was going around saying that he didn't die in 1825, but chose to be gone and live the rest of his life a long.

Charlisse said...

Alexander I

After he was born he was taken to be raised by his Grandmother Catherine the Great. Alexander was a very intelligent boy. His childhood was troubled by the divided families. Both sides of his family tried to use him for their own purposes; he was torn emotionally between his grandmother and his father; Alexander was the rightful heir to the throne. This taught Alexander, how to manipulate those who loved him and he came a natural chameleon. He learned to changing his views and personality depending on who he was with at the time.

2TEZZ3 said...

Boris Yeltsin became the president in 1990 in Russian. They say he was the first popular president. He was mostly ill and had heart problem in 1996 but that year the had a reelection. Was little he he had lost his thumb and his index finger from playing with an grenade. When he was in elementary he was expelled from school for criticizing his teacher at a assembly. But after all those year in 2007 on a Monday Boris Yeltsin had died from heart failure.

Vonna B said...

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev born September 1965, is the third and current President of the Russian Federation. He won the presidential election held on March 2, 2008. Dmitry was the Prime Minister of Russia in 2005. He was also the Chairman. On December 10, 2007, he was informally endorsed as a candidate for the forthcoming presidential elections by the largest Russian political party.

Kameceya said...
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Kameceya said...

The person I chose was Peter the Great. Peter was born in 1672. His grandfather, Michael Romanov, was the Tzar of Russia. When his grandfather died Peter and his brother Ivan were appointed Tzar of Russia, but because they were to young there sister Sofia took over. After Ivan died in 1696 Sofia was overthrown and exiled, then Peter took over as the Monarch. His first order of buisness was to gain access to the Baltic Sea, and the Baltic trade. Peter proclaimed himself emperor of Russia in 1721 after Russia was declared an Empire. when Some of Peter's achievements included the The construction of Russias "new" capital St. Petersburg, the reorganization of the government, creation of the Russian Army, and funding an active foreign policy. Peter the Great did so much for Russia, he changed it in so many ways, and created and funding many things for them.

Essence said...
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Essence said...

Peter the Greater was a ruler. with a his two parents dead and him being adopted. at 17 he became a musketeer with a man name Ivan he soon became a ruler of Russia and formed his own army, after the fact he Ivan died. As the years went by he Peter died in 1725.

NaKaila said...

The person I chose was Alexander Pushkin (:

Alexander S. Pushkin was a Russian Romantic author. He is also knowned as the GREATEST Russian poet and is also the founder of Modern Russian Literature. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of 15.Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, whom he married in 1831, later became regulars of court society. Pushkin was mortally wounded and died two days later. Also, Tsarskoe Selo was renamed after him.

Faye said...

I'm choosing Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was the second leader of the Soviet Union. His real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Stalin spent his first years after the revolution building his post as general secretary secretly into the most powerful one in the communist party. In 1939, Stalin made a Pact with Nazi Germany which divided Eastern Europe between the two powers. The official version has been: In 1941, however, Hitler broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union Under Stalin's leadership, the Soviet Red Army put up fierce resistance, but were ineffective against the advancing Nazi forces. Stalin accused nine doctors, six of them Jews, of plotting to poison and kill the Soviet leadership they were innocent but still aressted. He lived from 1879-1953

denise11 said...

Alexander I was known as Alexander the blessed.He also had a job of being the empreror of Russia from March 23,1801 to December 1825.Alexander was the King of Poland of Russian which was the first to 1815 to 1825 Alexander is from Saint Petersburg.He had brothers and sisters which were Paul I Maria Feodoronuas.Alexander also had diplomatic skills of several military compaigism.The rule was from Russian whcih was Finland and also part of Poland.He died in Tagenaro of suspicious circumstances.He just disappear don't know where he's at.What an important people first president of Russian.

martimar79 said...

The Salt Riot, also known as the Moscow Uprising of 1648. This was a riot in moscow in 1648 triggered by the governments substitution of different taxes. With the Universal direct salt tax for the purpose of replinishing the state treasury. Which made salt much more expensive.

Breasia.Jones said...

The person I am writting about Mongol. When the Mongols came to Eastern Europe, pillaging and murdering, residents of Russian cities could do nothing but be slaughtered or bow to the demand for money that was to be paid as tribute to the khan. Khan means ruler of monarchy, or translated as a king.Alexander Nevsky was one grand prince who understood that bloodshed would only come with resistance, and encouraged the people of Novgorod to accept the terms of the Golden Horde. Alexander Nevsky became a legend through careful negotiation with the Mongols as well as by using military prowess against Russia's enemies.By Ivan the Great's time, the Mongol Horde had weakend, and Ivan decided to test the waters by refusing to send tribute or gifts to the khan. While this outraged the khan, they were no longer powerful enough to retaliate as they once had. Ivan the Great finally won freedom from the Mongols and increased Russia's standing in the eyes of western nations.
By: Breasia Jones