Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Africa 6 - Religion

Visit this site:
1. BBC - Christianity in Africa. Use the contents on the side of the page to find more information.

Q: How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

2. BBC - Islam in Africa. Use the contents on the side of the page to find more information.

Q: How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa?

3. BBC - Traditional Religions in Africa. Use the contents on the side of the page to find more information.

Q: How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?
Q: Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?
Q: How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?


malaysia said...

Q: How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

Christianity spread to and throughout Africa in North Africa in the first and second early century in AD. In North Africa , Christianity spread slowly West from Alexandria and East to Ethiopia.

Q: How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa?

Islam spread to and throughout Africa with the Muslim refugees fleeing bpresecution in the Arab peninsula. And besically because it was the command of the Muslim Arab General Amr ibn al-Asi.

Q: How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?

The religion to traditional African societies was important because religions confirms who you are on the indiviual and the group.

Q: Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?

The deities and supreme beings found in any traditional religons are Oludmare,Katonda,Nyama,Kalumba and Bumba.

Q: How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?

Traditional religions were mixed with politics in many African societies have always been connected and attached to each other. And also because theirs leaders have ruled by divine right.

Hae Raven:) said...

Q:How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

Christianity 1st arrived in North Africa; Christianity was brought from Jerusalem to Alexandra on the Egyptian coast by Mark then spread slowly to the west . Through North Africa, Christianity was embraced as the religionof dissent against the expanding roman empire.

Q:How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa

Islam spreaded throughout africa with the muslim refugees fleeing persecution in the Arab peninsula. This was followed by a military invasion, some seven years after the death of the prophet Mohammed in 639, under the command of the Muslim Arab General, Amr ibn al-Asi. It quickly spread West from Alexandria in North Africa (the Maghreb), reducing the Christians to pockets in Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia.

Q: How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?
Q: Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?
Q: How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies

Religion has always been central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of needThere are a huge number of different religious practices on the continent. They share some common features: a belief in one God above a host of lesser gods or semi-divine figures; a belief in ancestral spirits; the idea of sacrifice, often involving the death of a living thing, to ensure divine protection and generosity; the need to undergo rites of passage to move from childhood to adulthood, from life to death.

Gotta Love Nick said...

1. How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

Christianity spread to and throughout Africa in North Africa in the first and second early century in AD.

2. How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa?

Islam spread to and throughout Africa with the Muslim refugees fleeing bpresecution in the Arab peninsula.

3. How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?

The religion to traditional African societies was important because religions confirms who you are.

4. Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?

The deities and supreme beings found are Oludmare,Katonda,Nyama,Kalumba and Bumba.

5. How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?

Traditional religions were mixed with politics in many African societies have always been connected and attached to each other. And also because theirs leaders have ruled by divine right.

Unknown said...

q: it spreaded by mouth to mouth and through separation of families, tribes.
q2:islam spreaded through africa by tribes being split, through refugess.
q3:it is very important because it really shows who you are
q4:The deities and supreme beings found in any traditional religons are Oludmare,Katonda,Nyama,Kalumba and Bumba
q5:Traditional religions have always mixed with politics in many African societies.thay have been connected and attached to each other. And also because theirs leaders have ruled by divine right.

J-Man said...

Q:How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

Christainity spreaded when they got more religon groups then moved to more countries.

Q:How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa?

Islam spread from the word of the mouth,
The spread of the Ottoman Empire had a large role in the spread of Islam.

Q: How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?

It was important because it can comfirm what religion you are.

Q: Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?

They are Oludmare,Katonda,Nyama,Kalumba and Bumba.

Q: How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?

They were mixed with politics and they were connected with other Afican societies.

PocaaHontas said...


1) How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

Christianity spread to and throughout Africa because the Legend has it that Christianity was brought from Jerusalem to Alexandria on the Egyptian coast by Mark.

2) How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa?

Islam spread to and throughout Africa when Muslim refugees fleeing persecution.

3) How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?

Religion is important to traditional African societies because even though there are numerous types of religions each on means a very important pack on people life's in religious was.

4) Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?

The deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religons are Oludmare, Katonda, Nyama, Kalumba and Bumba.

5) How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?

Traditional religious are mixed with politics in many African societies because different people migrate from place to place and share their religion. said...

Q:How did Christianity spread to and throughout Africa?

A:Christianity 1st arrived in North Africa; Christianity was brought from Jerusalem to Alexandra on the Egyptian coast by Mark then spread slowly to the west . Through North Africa, Christianity was embraced as the religionof dissent against the expanding roman empire.

Q:How did Islam spread to and throughout Africa

A:Islam spreaded throughout africa with the muslim refugees fleeing persecution in the Arab peninsula. This was followed by a military invasion, some seven years after the death of the prophet Mohammed in 639, under the command of the Muslim Arab General, Amr ibn al-Asi. It quickly spread West from Alexandria in North Africa (the Maghreb), reducing the Christians to pockets in Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia.

Q:How important was/is religion to traditional African societies?

A:The religion to traditional African societies was important because religions confirms who you are.

Q: Who are the deities and supreme beings found in many traditional religions?

A:The deities and supreme beings found are Oludmare,Katonda,Nyama,Kalumba and Bumba.

Q:How were/ are traditional religions mixed with politics in many African societies?

A:Traditional religious are mixed with politics in many African societies because different people migrate from place to place and share their religion.