Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Sunday, January 30, 2011

BLOG 4 - Current Events in Europe

For this post, browse through the articles listed below - choose one and write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the event. Discuss how that event is similar to a current issue in the US.

BBC News
1. German Train Crash
2. Dutch Prisoner Too Big for Cell
3. Britons Happy to be out of Cairo
4. Art Exhibit in Germany
5.Norway & Illegal Immigration

CNN World
1. German Troops in Afghanistan
2. Dutch-Persian Woman Hanged
3. Ireland - Final Bloody Sunday March
4. Soccer Crisis in England?

The New York Times -
1. France - Gay Marriage Ban Upheld
2. Italian Prime Minister Scandal
3. Spain Raises Retirement Age to 67


Rashayy said...

I choose the write about Spain Raising Retirement to 67. This paragraph is talking about how Spain had made it to where you cant retire to you are 67 yrs old. At first the gobernment said that they could retire at the age of 65 if they would go to the state pension for 38.5 yrs for free. The government had changed the the pension system w/out telling the Union Leader.

*Tionne R. Gillians*

Kevmcturn said...

France gay marriage ban that this like california trying to ban gay marriage.I think if you already gay is already to much.If you take it to marriage thats alot to handle an its to much people should not be gay.

Unknown said...

The germany train crash is all bad. left 33 dead and they dont know what happen.they said it was over 150 police, and fireman there. this was not the first train crash in germany, it was one on august 17 2010, an september 27 2006 and!!!!!!! one on june 11 2003. i would never ride germany trains

Unknown said...

I think that this man should go to a larger prison. Prisoners are people too. How is he supposed to go do his daily tasks if he can barely fit in certain places. The bed should be extended or give that specific person a special made bed. I think it is unfair to that man that he has to squeeze into these tiny spaces. It is also not roght for him to sleep with his eyes open just to make sure he doesn't fall.

If this is causing an issue from a small situaution...I suggest something being done to improve this prison... I would consider atr least expamding it. If this continues to happen how woll this man cope with how he's being treated. I do not know if you can sue prisons but it may be worth a try, to make things fair and easier...

mani said...

GAY MARRIAGE IN FRANCE-is a little bit similar to gay marriage in america because there are still some states that down allow it but in other words it kind of different because it a how country for them .

so unless they move they cant married at all and in america you can just travel to another state, in America some places you go if your gay you might get looked down upon but it would be worse if you were in France you might even get KILLED !

5flicc7 said...

Im choosing to write about the gay marriage ban in France. I dont think they should ban it if your gay your gay lol. But thats kind of like the rules in america, in california i think you can do gay marriage idk. But they shouldnt do that.

Flicc Rozay"

R45E said...

The Train Crash in germany is very bad! they said it was ten people reported dead. The Trains collided head-on in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. It left 33 people injurerd. if something like this was to happen in the Kansas City it would be tragic cause our death rates are already bad.

Breasia.Jones said...

Im choosing to write about , german troops in Afghanistan .

They are planning to end this by 2014. Germany has 4,590 troops serving with NATO'S International Security Assistance force.

The mandate authorizing the use of German troops in Afghanistan contains a time frame for the nation's troops to withdraw, said Guido Westerwelle, the foreign minister.

The mandate includes a 12-month extension of the current military mission in Afghanistan, the German Bundestag or parliamentary news office said .


malaysia said...

In choose the immigration one because there is alot of prople immigrating to our country and there not supose to be here. That is grimmy how she went teo jail after it happened. All she did was wite a book about but she shouldnve immigrated it is a law.

malaysia said...

miranda watson this is my web assaihnment.

malaysia said...

JSmoove2456 said...

The topic I looked at was the German Train Crash that was really bad, 33 people was injured in that train and 10 people died on that train, but 150 firemen came and helped the people who was still alive. At least some people survived the crash.

Unknown said...

The German train crash it had a capacity of about 100 people. About 45 people were on board at the time of the crash,left 33 injured. It is similar to a current issue in the US. The hurricane in US history, in its wake hurricane Katrina has also left other issues 4 hurricane, that hit the Gulf of Mexico and various Southern regions of the United States at the end of August, 2005, causing some of the worst damage in that country’s history but their were no lifes lose just money.

2gunn kevis said...

iam choosing to write about the gay marriage band in france. in realy dont have an opinion on a persons sexaullty but if they want to get marrieded then they should be able to.

Trey said...

i really dont care for gay marrige but if they are gay let them do what they want its their life. It is weird but it is how they wanna live. Also they dont care how you live so dont trip off them.

ML said...

I chose the German Trian Crash and is realated to the tuson shooting because a significate amount of people died although it was not another massicer butalot of people died.

isaiahdatguy said...

The tragity that happened that i was talking about is the German train crash. the tragity that happened was that there ware ten people that were killed in a plain crash the way i can relate this to us is when the shooting happened in virginia tech masacure.

DaBaller15 said...

I Chose to do the article on ban gay marriage. Gay marriage is also happening in the United States as well. It also say they are banning that in France, but I think they should ban it because gay marriage is plain creepy.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I picked the article on the Dutch prisoner too big for cell. I would put the giant on house arrest because i wouldn't want a giant to go around killing people because he mad that his cell isn't big enough.

Keeve Lovee said...

I pick the acticle about the guy marriage.I think that if people wont to be with the same sex they should beable to do it freely.But the same sex marriage is going on here also like i said be for it's their life people cant make them love who they dont love. said...

In this World crisis it was talking about immigrants. And how they were put out of Norway for not being illegal in this country. One of these immigrants never was caught until she made a book about her being an illegal immigrant. Similar things have happened here in the USA with Mexican coming across the border from Mexico and not having the rite paper work to be here. So most of them were sent back to Mexico for not being legal. No one wrote a book though stating that they were an illegal immigrant.

eboney@40 said...

well i say that what they talking about is something like whats going on in the US today but i haven heard about people doing what this man is trying to do to day but what i readed i think he was not trying to serve all his time but then again i think his was but trying get them to lower his time and by the way he all the way out and he tall and he got to sleep on his side and why is his bed fixed into the walland its 77cm wide and 1.96 thats crazy.

Unknown said...

im writing about the women that was hung in Iran. She was cought smuggling drugs to Iran instead of jail time they chose to hang her. when investigators searched her home they found 450 grams of cocaine, 420 grams of opium, and she had also distributed 150 grams of cocaine. this is similar to the US because of people around the world smuggle drugs into the us and get cought but never hung. mexico and columbia are very popular places that smugglers come from to the US.

Faye said...

Im choosing to write about , German Troops in Afghanistan .

They are planning to end this by 2014. Germany has 4,590 troops serving with NATO'S International Security Assistance force.

The mandate authorizing the use of German troops in Afghanistan contains a time frame for the nation's troops to withdraw, said Guido Westerwelle, the foreign minister.

The mandate includes a 12-month extension of the current military mission in Afghanistan, the German Bundestag or parliamentary news office said .

Kendall said that!

TakiyahStewart said...


How Illegal migration in Europe is similar to the US is because of the illegal migration from Mexico to the US.

Anonymous said...



This event is compared to the U.S by they are making the retirement age younger due to finacel issues. Im not in to the news but I personally know this by my grandfather just retired by the age of 50. I certianlly know why you are wondering how these two compare, they are compared by Financel comendations. Which can make and breake the economy.

Beauitful said...

Im late

Gay marriage ban upheld this is just like in the us that they are trying to do the same thing I think that they should let people do what they want to if they are gay and they want to get married I think that they should be able to do that

Tweety Baby said...

I choose the Ducth-Persian Woman hanged. Even though she went to Iran to smuggling drugs doesnt mean that any one had the right to hung her. Yes, what she was soing was very horrible doest mean she had to get hung. I think he should get life, because it wasnt up to him. she probely went to jail for a long time but i rather go to jail than get hung.

Anonymous said...


How gay marriages in France that are being upheld is similar to the marriages in U.S. is because they effectively banned marriages in the sections of the U.S. as well as France. They would change the law if it works but the principle of equality prohibits neither that the legislature regulate differing situations in different matters.

Hae Raven:) said...


At least 25 people were killed in the head-on crash of a commuter train and a freight train near Los Angeles that officials on Saturday attributed to the failure of the passenger train engineer to stop at a red light.

At least 10 people are reported to have died in a train crash in eastern Germany.The cause of the crash, which left 33 injured, is unclear.
Several carriages were derailed after the collision near the village of Hordorf at about 2230 (2130 GMT).More than 150 firemen, police and rescue workers were at the scene,

Anonymous said...


German Train Crash :

This story was about a train that crashed near the city of Magdeburg on Saturday. 10 people were reported dead , and 33 were reported injured. The cause of the crash is unclear. More than 150 firemen, police and rescue workers were at the scene, APF reported. The train had a capacity of about 100 people. About 45 people were on board at the time of the crash.

This event was similar to the plane crash on 9/11 but except the plane crash on 9/11 was a terroist attack.

PocaaHontas said...


Im writing about Britons Happy to be out of Cario.

Outsiders that had visited Cairo said it was unsafe. They were basically trying to bring in greater rights, greater freedoms and a better rule of law. A need leader was conversations but didnt really find it was needed. William Hague was concerned about the number of Britons trying to leave the Cairo airport. He has sent extra consular staff to the airport and stressed the welfare of British nationals was his top priority.

Kameceya said...


I chose Ireland Final Bloody Sunday March. This artical was basically saying that the British killed almost 2000 people in Northern Ireland, and The people were Marching because they thought it was unjust.

This event was similar to the civil rights march that Martin Luther king lead. Though the people marched for different causes they still had the same intent. They were marching because of something that was unfair. Though i do not believe that many people were killed in the civil rights movement people were killed.

Hartasia said...

I am Late: The New York Times -Italian Prime Minister Scandal

I believe that is crazy how people you respect and look up to have secrets and things you wouldn’t believe such as a "Minister". That to me proves that there is more to see than you actually can with your eyes and judgment. This helps me to have an open mind about people and not to trust everything...

I have found a Really Good Scandal of a really known Minister in the USA. This is an African American Pastor who is accused of a sex scandal with young men in his church although he is supposedly against people being gay. He has photos and messages sent to the boys that accused him of being with them. This pastor is very looked up to people in the US even presidents.
Bishop Eddie Long (PICTURES): Who is The Pastor Accused in Sex Scandal?

denise11 said...

I just think that gay people want to happy.They want to belong without being judged because there gay.But you have to follow the rules and the laws wherever you live at.