Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Monday, January 31, 2011

BLOG 5 - Major Events in Europe - due 2/11

What major event that occurred or originated in Europe (within the past 1000 years) had the MOST significant impact on American history?

The Transatlantic Slave Trade?
World War I? World War II?
American Independence?
The French Revolution?
The Holocaust?
The Euro?

There are thousands of events that helped shape the US. Which had the most profound effect? Explain.


5flicc7 said...

To me there's alot of facts that say all of the things were really bad to the europe country. But the worst on was the holocaust there was a estimate of people that died would be between 11 million and 17 million people.

Breasia.Jones said...

The human population growth of the last century has been truly phenomenal. It required only 40 years after 1950 for the population to double from 2.5 billion to 5 billion. This doubling time is less than the average human lifetime. The world population passed 6 billion just before the end of the 20th century. Present estimates are for the population to reach 8-12 billion before the end of the 21st century. During each lecture hour, more than 10,000 new people enter the world, a rate of 3 per second!
Of the 6 billion people, about half live in poverty and at least one fifth are severely undernourished. The rest live out their lives in comparative comfort and health.

malaysia said...

I think that the major event that has had the MOST significant impact on American history was the American Independence. I think that is very important because it is when we became a free country and had our own dependence. That day was very special to our people and it changed our history.

PocaaHontas said...

I think the World War I, and World War II, was the major event that occurred or originated in Europe most significant impact on American history because from 1939 to 1945, Germany's military machine struck out and conquered most of Western Europe. And in World War II, Germany began its assault on western Europe by invading the Low Countries, and also had taken neutral positions in the war, and France.

Beauitful said...

I think that the Most significant impact in American history was The Transatlantic Slave Trade. I think this because it brought Africans from the central and western parts of the continent, who were sold by African slave dealers to European traders, who transported them to the colonies in North and South America. Which started the slave trade.

- Kimberlee.Lashay :) - said...

I think the most significant impact on American history is The Transatlantic Slave Trade because it had a huge impact on societies and economies.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I say the MOST significant impact on American history was the The Transatlantic Slave Trade if we would not be introduce to the New World Africa's population almost immediately began to rapidly increase, even prior to the introduction of modern medicines during the slave trade. 9.4 and 12 million Africans arrived in the New World

Keeve Lovee said...

I think that world war I and world war II was the most significant impact on American history because it had done a lot of damage in Europe and killed a lot of people and made people go crazy.

Unknown said...

To me there's alot of facts that say all of the things were really bad to the europe country.I think that world war I and world war II was the most significant impact on American history because it had done a lot of damage in Europe.

Unknown said...

One major event that occurred or originated in Europe (within the past 1000 years) had the MOST significant impact on American history is the world war ll. i think this because it is studied in history class. which means every one that has a history class,which is about every body will know about it. and the fact that when people bring up the word war, world war ll comes to mind.

Unknown said...

i think the holocaust is. its shows u what having to much power can do.he put the jews in camps n everything thats all bad

mani said...

The one that really effected America the most was the French Revolution because they have influenced a lot of the american culture like for example : they they impacted our government

teemiller said...

I think World War 1 had the most impact on Europe. I think the great European empires were weakened or destroyed, beginning the decline of European imperialism and colonialism.The USA began to take an international view of the world. Japan became a major power. Then the peoples of Asia, Africa, and India yearned for self-determination. The foundation for the current troubles in the Middle East was created during and afterWorld War 1. The women's movement particularly in the US gained momentum during the war.

Kevmcturn said...

The major event that occurred in europe was World War 2 because that was one of the biggest wars of alltime and it will go down in history.The transatlantic was bad to because to the blacks they will never forget that to any body that was their they all remember.

Trey said...

Europe had alot of things that affected the U.S.A but the biggest one to me was the holocaust. The holocaust wipeout at least 17 millon people. The way the that the jews were treated that hurts them real bad.

Anonymous said...

There is alot of different things that happened in Europe in the past 1000 years to where i can not keep track. One of the biggest ones was the holocaust against USA it had tooken over 17 million peoples lives away from then.

Unknown said...

To me its ben alot of things that occurred but the most significat one was the population growth.Also the Holocaust.

pantty droper said...

To Me The Most Important was The Holocaust because The Nazis killed Alot of jews . That Had To Most Act on the us to me.

Unknown said...

To me its ben alot of things that occurred but the most significat one was the population growth.Also the Holocaust.Another one is that we humans are inhabiting the European continent.

ML said...

I think the thing that was most significant about american history was American Independence. Because with our independence we set our selfs aside from the rest of the world and became one of the wealthiest countries and be an independent free countrie with out dictation and with laws and gouvernment.

ComputerApplicationClass . 18weeks . said...

I think it is the French Reveloution because of how they influenced alot of American cultures, just how they impacted our Government!

dsderrick20 said...

To me the major event that happened was The Holocaust. That was crazy how people just let Hitler and the Nazi's just kill 11 million people like that. Our country was one of them and we just stayed still, then we started to help.

JSmoove2456 said...

I think the Holocaust was the most profound effect ever. I think that it is because they took the jews into a camp for doing bad things. The guards treated them bad. The guards killed alot of people that came into the camp. Over 11 million people died in the camp.

All about buisness said...

Smallpox had the most impact because, millions of people died in that epidemic. It began when some people became immune to it for the rest of their lives.

Vonna B said...

To me, American Independence was the most important. After we were freed from the British, our country has grown to a greatly. We have have grown so much we are becoming over populated. We have devloped things that a lot of country's do not have. We have a industry, and also factories. We do not have to farm anymore or ue agriculture, only if we wont to. we have developed relationships with other country's like China, we trade with them. We use Globalization to help our country to grow. America is a stedy growing country.

Cold Piece said...

TO me the major significant impact was the Holocaust. I say this because its shows you what having to much power can do. Also, i think this because it had a lot to do with the World War 2. That is what i think

isaiahdatguy said...

I believe that smallpox was the biggest thing that shaped America. The reason that i think this is because when it was around it was killing millions of americans and at the time noone could stop it which caused a huge impact on our American History. I also say this because when it was expected to come in 2002 it would of kille an estimatred 60 million people.

R45E said...

There were alot of events in the history of europe but the most signifigant to me would have to be the transatlantic slave trade. the population growth in africa was going higher and higher so to that being done the death rate would also go up because they would soon run out of the basic needs used to live. If they were'nt introduced to new land Africa still would have of continuied to be over populated Either way.

Deezy'sWifey23 said...

I believe that the Holocaust was a very big event that happened. The reason I speak of this is because a lot of people were homeless and had to leave their homes. Most of the people were getting killed because of their race. So this kinda goes back to slavery and slavery had a huge imapct on the world. Rasicm period had a big impact on human race. But for the holocaust it was a little more worst. They were getting killed by forced labor, starvation, exposuer, dieases,etc. I also believe world war 1 and 2 had a big impact on the world. This was also around the time of the great depression. So life waz very hard for a lot of people. Most families were poor some husbands couldnt get jobs.

Unknown said...

I think the most significant impact on amercian histroy was World War II. because so many things were happening during that time not only figting but the Holocaust was during World War II. That was a hard time for jews and for the people that had to witness it the horrible things that were being done. I believe the slave trade had a huge impact in helping shape the US. because without going thru slavery and slave trade and the boy cotts and marches we had to do to get where we are today to get us the freedom we deserve and to have a Black president.

Hae Raven:) said...

The smallpox was a major event that occured or orginated in europe within the past had most significant impact on american history. It was a big effect beacuse it can spread and kill thousands of people. It effects the American history because American systems are not used to it and it could kill them .

Rashayy said...

I think that the major impact that happend in Europe was World War 1 because this was one of the most biggest war in history. There was more than 9 million soliders that died in that war. There whole countrie was affected because it was happening where their people was living. Over 5 thousand innocent people died because what their country was fighting for. This is what i think is the major impact.


TakiyahStewart said...

To me, I think that the biggest impact that occurred in Europe was The world war two. A lot of people died and I think its sad to see them at war. Although this was occurred, Europe had a chance to recoup and they are developing into a industrialized country,

DaBaller15 said...

I say the French Revolution had the biggist impact because it lead to the belief in "equality of all people" and it brought Napolean to power.

Essence said...

I think world war 1 was the major event in Europe that had the biggest impact , just because they started off just wrecking Europe but then world war 2 came and it was just war on every part of the globe . so of course it had a huge impact on american history as well . Because we been in war too for years.

Faye said...

The major event that occurred or originated in Europe (within the past 1000 years) had the MOST significant impact on American history is the human population growth of the last century has been truly phenomenal. It required only 40 years after 1950 for the population to double from 2.5 billion to 5 billion. This doubling time is less than the average human lifetime. The world population passed 6 billion just before the end of the 20th century. Present estimates are for the population to reach 8-12 billion before the end of the 21st century. During each lecture hour, more than 10,000 new people enter the world, a rate of 3 per second!
Of the 6 billion people, about half live in poverty and at least one fifth are severely undernourished. The rest live out their lives in comparative comfort and health.So basically some are living good and some are living horribly. said...

American Indepence had the most significant impact on the U.S because of them choosing to free us from slavery and owning us we gained out freedom and dont have to pay taxes to them any longer. Thanks to the Boston tea party we can accutaly say we can celebrate our freedom on July 4th truthfully.

TaviaB said...

The major event that occurred or originated in Europe (within the past 1000 years) had the MOST significant impact on American history is the World War 11.The war is generally accepted to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and Slovakia, and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth. This war had a affect on many people. It made people in Europe scared and affraid.

Anonymous said...


The mpst signifiacnt to me is the American Independence. If that would have never happen we will be more like them and have kings and queens, then people (aliens) would not try to breake there back to get into the U.S. To have their freedom like we have ours.

Nadizzle15 said...


I believe the most significant impact on American history was World War 1 And World War 2 because alot of people in the war died and not only that but that World War 1 and World War 2 made the biggest impact in history and the sad thing about it is thousands of people and higher got killed because of what there country was fighting for.

Anonymous said...


To me, the most significant event that happened in Europe was the Holocaust. The Holocaust effected a lot of people. It impacted a lot of people who were forced to leave there homes and take little things with them. Most of these people during the Holocaust died because of there race people got killed and where forced to do labor, suffered from starvation, and had a wide exposure to different diseases.

Anonymous said...


To me, i believe the Holocaust was the most major event because the Holocaust forced many people and families to move. It also killed 2/3 of european and jews people. This had a big impact on the U.S. becuase many people and families had to hide in different areas/ places in order to survive , because if they were seen , then they were going to be killed by soldiers.

Kameceya said...


I believe the Event that had the greatest impact on our history would be The Transatlantic Slave Trade. I believe this had the greatest impace because this is what brought the Africans to America. If the Africans hadn't come to America then alot of the things we did to change American wouldn't have happened, and America would be the place it was 80 years ago. Without the slave trade we would have never had the civil rights movement, and the items that were recieved from Africa would have never gotten over here, and people would think that half the world was unpopulated.

Charlisse said...

I believe that the Transatlantic Slvae Trade had the biggest impact on our history. I think the slave trade had the greatest impact because when the slaves were traded some of them were populated in America. If we didn't have the slave trade we wouldn't have been here because it would be impossible for humans to reproduce here if there wasn't anyone here; and there wouldn't be any signs that humans existed in America.

gorgXiomara said...

The event that had the most significant impact on American History in my oipinion would be world war 2 because it was the mightiest struggle humankind has ever seen. It killed more people, cost more money, damaged more property, affected more people, and caused more far-reaching changes in nearly every country than any other war in history. The number of people killed, wounded, or missing between September 1939 and September 1945 can never be calculated, but it is estimated that more than 55 million people perished.

denise11 said...

The holocaust because jewish we're getting killed just for being jewish.They we're putting jewish people in jail and they were in wars.
Which wasn't right but now the jewish people have freedom.