Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Monday, January 31, 2011

BLOG 6 - Push & Pull Factors - due 2/18

Read an article about the push and pull factors in European migration which can be found at

Discuss migration topics presented in previous units (colonization of the New World, urbanization, etc.).

Make predictions - predict the reasons for migration in Europe and out of Europe.

During reading, check and revise predictions.

Questions to consider:
What push factors were involved in these migrations?
What pull factors were involved in these migrations?


2TEZZ3 said...

In Europe something bad could happen like a natrual disaster witch would make people migrate. The puush factor could be lost of a home or bad enviorment when u would have to move. The pull is factor is people would want a better life the just want to leave Europe but dont have to.

5flicc7 said...

Europe might have a naturual disaster, that could push people away, But if they get something big there were things become cheaper like then people would come. Then there would be more space and they wont be overpopulated.

Taylor Gang!

Breasia.Jones said...

Europe now matches North America in its significance as a region of immigration. Net
immigration in Europe in 2001 stood at 3. 0 per 1,000 inhabitants, compared to 3. 1 in the
United States (OECD 2004). 1 The region now hosts a population of 56. 1 million migrants,
compared to 40. 8 million in North America (IOM 2003). There is every indication that
Europe’s importance as a region of destination will increase, as European countries recruit
migrants to fill the labour and skills shortages that are predicted to rise in the coming decades.

All European states are now net immigration countries. For more established host countries
such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom (UK), Benelux countries, Austria,
Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark, this has been the case since at least the 1960s.

Unknown said...

the thing that might cause people to be pushed out of europe is stuff like hurricanes,floods,tornadoesand if like if prices on things might go up people might not be able to afford.People might leave the country because of over populatoin.

ComputerApplicationClass . 18weeks . said...

There could have been alot of things going on at once in Europe. Maybe the push factors was the lack of jobs, or even not having a home because of a tornado or something.Europe could have been over populated. It could be anything. The pull factor of this migration may have been to become permanent rsidents.

Hae Raven:) said...

there could be natural disaster that could happen in europe . it could effect many people such as the growth and death rate.

DaBaller15 said...

In Europe people can get pulled out from their homes due to natural disaster that our happening. Also people can migrate from one to anthor in that country because of war.

Trey said...

The push factor that stood out to me was the religious free in america. That proved that some people did not like how things were going there so they migrated here. Also they felt the new world was better for them.

I predict the reasons that migration happen is because people didnt feel the freedom they can feel in America.

The migration there is maybe because people like the way things are goin there. Even maybe its the best place for them.

teemiller said...

The reasons for migration is the Reformation counter-Reformation which pushed them to migrate some where else.Other religion activities caused people to migrate also.Religion was a important factor for many Europeans that came to the new world.Some pull factors are there was alot of land was there for people who was working.There was alot of jobs there and people had family or friends that was there already.I think people moved from Europe because of some of the disaters and religion.People would go there because they have alot of jobs and have less expensive things.

Vonna B said...

The reason they migrated were to get food. Some places in Europe are over populated because they have a high birth rate. They were runnig out of places to live. They did not have enough places to grown and have agriculture. There were wars going on, they had hard times fingind jobs to get money too feed their families.

Faye said...

The push factors that were involed is the heavy-handedness of reactionary regimes established after the defeat of Napoleon, agrarian unrest, and repressive legislation were all political push factors encouraging emigration across the Atlantic. General overpopulation caused by a high birth rate was also a demographic push factor.

The pull factor is Negative forces, or push factors, which encouraged increasing emigration from Europe in the late nineteenth century, were balanced by positive pull factors related to conditions in North America. A combination of factors enticed Europeans towards the New World. They were encouraged by a liberalisation in attitudes towards Catholics in North America. Trans-Atlantic shipping fares also became less expensive. Land was available to virtually anyone willing to work it. There were plenty of jobs for industrial labourers. Another pull factor was that many people knew friends or family who had migrated earlier. This process is known as chain migration, and resulted in distinct pockets of ethnic groups or nationalities in the New World. It meant that would-be immigrants were not simply sailing into the unknown; instead they had a support system already established across the Atlantic.

Trae said...

Europe migration could be a bad thing if something bad was to happen i think it would be more Europeans coming to U.S. crime would happen more

- Kimberlee.Lashay :) - said...

Something bad can happen such as a natural disaster or a political crackdown throughout Europe.

People leave because of the pull factors like, chain migrations.

Push factors that were involved were agrarian unrest, & political persecution.

Pull factors that were involved were distinct pockets of ethnic groups or nationalities.

malaysia said...

I think that the reasons for migration in and out of Europe is that there mey have been a natural disaster or people want money. I think that when Europe was colonized the word got out and everyone migated to Europe. And after that more and more people came. And then there was alot of people and the capacity went up. The oush factors that are involved in these factors can be tornadoes,hurricanes or even wars. Some pull factors that are involved can be money or job opportunity,

Unknown said...

well the report was split into two parts. the push and pull factors.from the report Europe is over populated. which means that the increasing of industrialization was causing widespread job shortages in urban centers. and i could i would definitely with out a doubt migrate up out of there. because being over populated will cause so many problems.

Unknown said...

In Europe had alot of natural disaters and bad people in that country, that was the push factor. The pull factor is like people might wanted a new life or thought i would nice going to Europe.

Rashayy said...

Europe could have had a natural disater or they could have had over popluated cities that couldn't provide them with food and a place to leave. The push factor is that they will have to leave either way becuase of they have a natural disater they want have their own space and if they are over popluated they hardly have any place to live. The pull factor is that they will come together as a countrie and figure out what they are going to do and they will become more close to they family member because they will start to think that life is to short to be aguring over stupid stuff... I'm just saying:)

*Tionne Rasha*

Cold Piece said...

There could have been alot of things going on at once in Europe. Maybe the push factors was the lack of jobs, or even not having a home because of a tornado or something.Europe could have been over populated. It could be anything. The pull factor of this migration may have been to become permanent rsidents.

DloMcCluster22 said...

Some pull factors are the good economy good health care and the low birth rate and the push factors are diasters and the over population....

2gunn kevis said...

europe might have natural disaters and become a push factor for some people. they also might leave because there econmy might fall and have to leave because they are not able to pay for neccesities

Cold Piece said...

Europe could have had a natural disater or they could have had over popluated cities that couldn't provide them with food and a place to leave. A pull factor is that they have a good economy, the families will come closer together. A push factor is over populated spaces,or/and disaster over population. This is what i think!

Anonymous said...

europe could be easily over populated an force some poepl to migrate down to here lookin for new homes, and jobs.some place sin europe mit have high birth rate or high death rate

dsderrick20 said...

Europe push factor is that they are getting over populated and their is being widespread of jobs losses and the pull factor is that they are going to Canada with their family.

R45E said...

Europe could have been over populated. It could be anything. The pull factor of this migration may have been to become permanent residents. They Probably couldn't provide them with food and a place to live, it could effect many people such as the growth and death rate.

Tweety Baby said...

* I'M LATE *
I think if some type of natural disater happen people would have to leave cause there will be to many people and not enough resources.

All about buisness said...

In europe there might have been overpopulated. Which would have made some people migrate and it would be a pull factor because they are not getting forced they are moving on their own.

marti mar said...
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gorgXiomara said...

I believe the reasons behind Migration in and out of Europe was mainly because of Religious views.

PUSH FACTORS: the lack of freedom, the over population, the lack of jobs .

PULL FACTORS: better paying jobs, better education, freedom, freedom in religion.

Essence said...

migration mostly happend in Europe and out if Europe because of religious and natural causes. such as like when there is a war happening in a country . family tends to want to move away from it. so those are the Push factors. And pull factors are when africans was migrating to diff countries for jobs and to make money.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there are many reasons why people migrate in and out of europe . . .

migrating in europe :
people may move from another country to europe because of job oppurtunities, weather , or maybe even population wise.

migrate out of europe :
people may migrate out of europe because weather storms, disasters, high gas/ food prices, or bad populations .

1. one push factor that was involved in the migration was :

From the last half of the nineteenth century to the eve of World War One, migration to North America increased dramatically in volume. This was caused in part by undesirable conditions in Europe at the time.

2. one pull factor that was involved in the migration was :

The discovery of gold on the West Coast in 1848 dramatically influenced the rate and make-up of European migrations to the area. The region was soon inundated by Americans, East and Central Canadians, Chileans, Chinese, Hawaiians, Africans, Mexicans, and a wide range of Europeans.

Nadizzle15 said...

I believe if a natural disaster happened in Europe, people would barely be surviving because of the fact that Europe was already over populated, which would cause even more problems and less jobs and money to help and support the Europeans. A Push Factor would be the lack of jobs, money, food and Etc.
The Pull Factor, would be having to become permanent residents.

Anonymous said...


There are many reasons why people may migrate back and forth to and from Europe. Some push factors would be because of natural disasters, a pull factor that would attract more people to Europe was because of the good health condition or the less violence, even the good deal on education.

Kameceya said...


During colonation there was alot of migration taking place. This was because after different countries colonized each other they took people back with them. This was a push factor, because it was a forced movement.

In Europe i believe on of the reasons there might be migration because of dictatorships. i say this because they aren't really a damocracy like we are. they are ran by a king or a Queen, who makes all the decisions for everyone. I remeber a long time ago this was really bad in Britian. This is a push factor.

The push factors involved in these migrations were the politics. In earlier days King Henry was involoved in the migration, because of how he was running Brtitian. This is when the people went to the new world. That was kind of a pull factor too because in the new world the people could build it the way they wanted to, and they didn't have to follow just one persons oreders.

Kevmcturn said...

IM LATE PICK ME)The late 1840s saw a renewed wave of migration from Europe to the New World. A series of revolutions and political crackdowns occurred throughout Europe, resulting in forced and voluntary exiles. The New World accepted German, Czech, and Hungarian democrats, Chartist labour reformers from Britain, and evacuees from Ireland

Kevmcturn said...

IM LATE PICK ME)The late 1840s saw a renewed wave of migration from Europe to the New World. A series of revolutions and political crackdowns occurred throughout Europe, resulting in forced and voluntary exiles. The New World accepted German, Czech, and Hungarian democrats, Chartist labour reformers from Britain, and evacuees from Ireland

denise11 said...

Through Europe there was a politicial presecution that has established and the defeat of Napolean.The land was starting to get overpopulated.But we all go though something.