Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Thursday, January 6, 2011

BLOG 1 - Current Events in Latin America, due 1/14

Directions: Read one of the following articles from CNN World:

1. Woman arrested for Guatemalan bus bombing

2. Mexico's other enemy: Obesity rates triple in last 3 decades

3. Strong earthquake strikes central Chile

4. Brazil inaugurates first female president

5. U.N., Colombia step up flood relief efforts

6. Cholera death toll in Haiti rises to more than 3,000

2. write a one-paragraph summary of the events in your chosen article (This is NOT a cut & paste assignment)
3. post a YouTube video link of a newscast or related story


JSmoove2456 said...

This earthquake was really bad, over 3,000 people died in this earthquake, i wish we can help people out there.

Unknown said...

the frist women president of brazil is a great thing it shows that girls cn do what men cn do. and the people of brazil is very happy

Gotta Love Nick said...

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit central coast of chile. The quake wasnt as serious as i thought. i mean it didnt injure or kill anybody. and it was felt as far 370 miles away. And it also cut phone lines.

TakiyahStewart said...

A earthquake hit Chile at around 5:00 pm. Some people in the hotel of Holiday Inn felt the earthqauke for about a minute. The people who felt it described it very loud and being strong. The earthqauke in Chile killed hundreds of people.

hunzsuperflyoverr1 said...

I watched the obecity video and it increased so much. I think the way they could lower it is stop with all the fatning food!

Kameceya said...

The article i read talked about the earthquake in chille. They said the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1. That was smaller than the one that they had the year before which had a magnitude of 8.8 They reported that there was no tsunami warning but they werent rulling the possibilty out. No one was hurt in this earthquake though they say it was very strong

malaysia said...

The article that I read was called chloera death toll. And this article was about more than 3,000 people have died from scarcity of health supplies. It is a very bad disease and it has taken the lives of many. The reason for the disease is the they have been drinking tainted water that was not sanitized. The rivers and canals are unasnitezed and that can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. And if they arent receiving water because it is tainted then they will beome dehidreated and thet can then lead to death.

ramond said...

what she was saying that the impact was major to chile it hit seven point one in central of chile and they said poeple run in the streets but the witness of the earth quake he was and his houses when it happpen it shut down lights and it shut down water to.

ramond said...

dilma rousseff is the first women every to be president and brzil and some poeple by her give her hugs and kiss because the poeple honor her and they belive her

DloMcCluster22 said...

I read about the Eaarthquake in Chile and it was bad 3,000 people died and many was hurt...

5flicc7 said...

Woah about 3,000 people died from that earthquake thats really bad wish i could help =( <3


pantty droper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nick'n' bisquits said...

I think the story is very sad and feel sorry for the people that had been killed on the bus

Hae Raven:) said...

My story that i read is about a brazil woman becoming the first lady as the president.She knocked the the famouse president out of place. She helped woman get out of prision also she wanted to help more woan out because there was alot of women getting mistreated. She went around the world meeting other presidents to join a good relationship with them.

Anonymous said...

The Earthquake barely did any damage to Chile. They Said it was 10 miles under surface but they did feel the movement. While it did not do any damage to the people who lived there, it did do damage to one everyday source they use, which was telephones. Other than that no major injuries have been reported. Another Earthquake hit Chile near the nation's 2nd largest city in Concepcion killing hundreds.

Link of The Earthquake:

teemiller said...

I'm late.The events in the article i read was about a woman who bombed a bus.She bombed the bus because the gang group she was in send her to bomb it.She left the bus with her bag on the bus and then left before the bomb went off.They arrested the lady for doing that and she killed seven people.

Beauitful said...

Im Late

The article that I read was about a woman who was in a gang and had got order to bomb a bus from the gang leader from prison because the bus driver refused to pay extortion money to the gang

Anonymous said...


Woman arrested for Guatemalan bus bombing :

A woman in Guatemala City was arrested for bombing a bus. She was a gang member also.
They say she aborted the bus with a bag (luggage) and later got off the bus without the bag (which was oviously the bomb) before the bombing. 7 people were killed. The Reasoning of the bombing was said because of whoever the bus driver was owed someone in a gang some money which he/she did not pay, so he/she was set up by the person he/she owed money to and thats how the bombing took place.

Here's the link to my related video/article :

Anonymous said...


Chile had an earthquake with a 7.1 magnitude. The earthquake struck the central area of Chile around 5:20 p.m. on a Sunday. A CNN reporter reported that there were no immediate injuries or damage. Around 91,000 people felt rough shaking, the temblor cut some telephone and electricity lines also. After the earth quake was a after shock with a 5.0 magnitude around 6:10 p.m. There wereno wide spreads of tsunami threats.

Hartasia said...

I’m Late ~
I Read: Mexico's other enemy: Obesity rates triple in last 3 decades.

I thought that it was crazy how quickly they passed America in obesity. They actually have diseases caused by obesity killing there people a little more than drugs and violence. This is going to affect the business in keeping up with demand of larger size clothing. One of the biggest surprises was that they were saying about 70% of the population that are 15yrs. old and up are obese. I believe that parents need to improve nutrition at home because a lot of Mexicans have traditions in their food from years and years that may be contributing to their problem. A.W. I hope Mexico and the U.S get it together!

Wacth 0:00-2:17 The rest is stupid...

Unknown said...


A earthquake hit Chile at 5:00 pm. The people who felt it described it very loud, and being strong. They said the earthqauke in Chile killed hundreds of people.

Charlisse said...

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the central coast area of Chile on Sunday 70 kilometers northwest of Temuco, the U.S. Survey said. There were no reports of major damage or injury. The earthquake stuck around 5:20 p.m. and was felt as far away as Santiago, which was roughly 595 km north of where the quake occurred. A Holiday Inn Express in Temuco, felt the quake for about a minute, describing it as loud and strong. She said people ran into the streets, but did not report any major damage.

gorgXiomara said...


I read the one about the woman that bomed the bus. I think the girl was lead to the mbombing, if she didnt she probably would of gotten beat up. Due to her stupidity 7 innocent people are killed and their familes have to suffer as well. She deserves whatever consequence she gets.

Kevmcturn said...

IM LATE PICK ME)The earth quake in chilee was bad 5,000 people died many hert