Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Thursday, January 6, 2011

BLOG 2 - Past & Present, due 1/21

There were several significant people and events from Latin America that shaped world history:

The Jonestown Massacre in Guyana

The Andes Mountain crash that inspired the film Alive

Che Guevara

Fidel Castro

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti

33 trappers miners in Chile escaped death

Pablo Escobar and the Colombian drug trade

Brazil's Carnivale

1804 Haitian Revolution

The Columbian Exchange

The Transatlantic Slave Trade

...the list goes on and on...

Your task is to:

A. list a significant event (or person) (that occurred in any of the Latin American countries studied) that influenced world history,

B. Write a one paragraph summary of the event (this is NOT a cut & paste assignment) - be sure to post a link to the site/s from where you learned your information

C. Post a link to a newscast or documentary about your selected topic.



malaysia said...

Unknown said...

The origins of carnival date back to the ancient Greek spring festival in honor of Dionysus, the god of wine. Crazy stuff bro "God of Wine" ne last gasp of music, food, alcohol, and sex before Lent - before the 40 days of personal reflection some kind of culture

ramond said...

sonia veliz was arrested for doing a bombing in guatemala city and he killed seven people an veliz is a gang member from marm 18 street an the reason why they bomb the bus because the bus driver didnt pay their extortion money because they were a street gang

JSmoove2456 said...

Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio (1895-1970) was President of Mexico from 1934 to 1940. Considered one of the most honest and hardworking Presidents in the history of Latin America, he provided strong, clean leadership at a time when his country most needed it. Today he is revered among Mexicans for his zeal in eliminating corruption, and many cities, streets and schools bear his name. He initiated a family dynasty in Mexico, and his son and grandson have both gone into politics.

Gotta Love Nick said...

Che Guevara

Che Guevara was a revolutionist. He was a writer as well. He is regarded as a hero in many countries because of the work done by himself in many uprisings. He was against poverty and believed that revolutions could change things. Che fought for Cuba with Fidel Castro and they were successful, he went to Congo to assist there -he was eventually caught in Bolivia where he was trying to get another revolution started.

He is regarded as an hero by not only Latin America and Cuba but I would say the Caribbean as well.

TaviaB said...

A significant event that occurred in the Latin American history was the Operation Condor. This happened in between the 1975 and 1983. Basically what happen was in the 1970's south America countries were being ruled by conservative regimes or military juntas, and they had been growing a big problem. The problem was with opposition forces and dissidents. So they established Operation Condor, a collaborative effort to round up and kill or otherwise silence their enemies. They say by the time it ended, thousands were dead or missing and the trust of South Americans in their leaders was forever shattered. There were a lot of perpetrators brought to justice. Many people ask questions about the sinister operation and those behind it.

Unknown said...

Pablo Escobar.
what i learned about pablo escobar is that he was a drug lord. He was the the head of coke. he was a killing machine and was the cause of many deaths. people was dieing because of the drugs and people was dieing to stop the growth of the drugs. also people died because they couldn't get out of their city, were gun fire was like an every hour alarm clock. but after hes death from on a rooftop bt 2009 the death rate of durgs period had reduced to half.

Unknown said...

the columbain exchange was a terrible thing. its was a widespeard of animals, food, diseases and culture. the diseases had no cure because its was a brand know diseases. the reason it had occurred becuase poeple was not use to the animals and food.

marti mar said...

The event is when cholera spread to over 150 people in Haiti. The details are that in 2010 cholera spread by contaminated water. To me this was sad, because they just had a major earthquake. Now people are dying cause of some water. It just amazes me how this world is coming apart and with the one of the poorest countries.

mani said...

My significant event is the EARTH QUAKE IN HAITI
the earth quake that happen jan 12 2010 at 5 PM was devastating lot of people there were killed hurt and stuck with out shelter or water or food . Lots of countries tried to donate but America gave the most in effort to help.


ramond said...

what he was saying that poeple not exercise and now the school have banned junky food from the school the poeple or going obesity from not exercise they have triple over last thirty-years.

DloMcCluster22 said... Told me facts of the haiti

Anonymous said...

The miners who were trapped underground. There were 33 men who were trapped underground and people believe they were going to be in there until chrustmas. They found a way to get them out, the first time they tried they failed which cause the stituation to get more complex. They found a way to get them food and get them videos for them so they could video tape there everyday life down there. they sent very little food so they could lose weight to get in the object that was going to get them out. They got out before Christmas and now most of them are living happy lives and they became famous because of that.


Beauitful said...

Im late

The Jonestown Massacre happen on November 18,1978 the reverend Jim Jones ordered 913 members of his flock to kill themselves by drinkin some potion and they did

Anonymous said...


Infromation from:

A significant event that occured in Latin America was the Columbian Exchange. It was a huge world wide spread of animals, plants, culture, and human population. The Columbian exchange affected every society on Earth.

News cast/Documentary of the Columbian exchange:

Kameceya said...
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Kameceya said...


A signifiant person from Latin America that impacted the history was King Charles III in 1789.

King Charles wrote aslave code for the slaves in Cuba. This slave sode said that the slaves can only work 270 days a year, and that the slave masters have to feed them and dress them. The slave masters also have teach them how to be catholics, and they have to go to mass regularly.

PocaaHontas said...


1 of 6 The Columbian Exchange Columbus & The Age of Discovery.mpeg

All about buisness said...

(I'm late)

Haiti earthquake

gorgXiomara said...
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gorgXiomara said...


Che Guevara - he made a huge in fluence on CUBA. He started community service and he went into fellowship with Fidel in the whole "26th of July Movement". He was soon promoted tp 2 in command, he played a big role in the Guerilla campaign.

Kevmcturn said...