Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Blog Scoring Guide
4 points - students use class material and outside information in a detailed, organized, and articulate response in two paragraphs OR

3 points - students use class material and outside information in a detailed, organized, and articulate response in one 5-8 sentence paragraph.

+3 points - students provide useful, relevant, school appropriate and credible links (to websites, videos, or primary source documents) for others as an additional class resource

+2 points - students pose questions to peers and/or provide an insightful critique of a peer's opinion

+1 point - no slang syntax used in the response; no grammatical or mechanical errors are present

-1 point – for slang, grammatical, and punctuation errors present in the response

Total: 10 points

NOTE: You do not receive credit for just responding – you must demonstrate knowledge of the topic and contribute something meaningful to the discussion to receive credit.

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