Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unit 4 - The World

Read this BBC article on the cholera outbreak in Haiti. How should the US respond?


TaSweeka Gentry said...

The US should probaly not give additionaly water because that means additionaly risk because its in the water. They just need to figure how to get the cholera out of the water once we do that we can give additonaly water and send some rehydration and antibiotics.

TakiyahStewart said...

the US shouldnt let nobody over here, and try to make sure that the water and food is clean. why people shouldnt come because I think other people can get it, which is gross. and they probally got it because people not washing there hands which is grosser.


Trey said...

The US should hellp in the best way they can butt then again nott let anyone here cause we will be in danger. I can really hurt us but if i could i would help.

Kameceya said...

I think that America should help Haiti by bringing clean drinking water to Haiti. If the disease is spreed through contaminated water then having good drinking water should help to rehydrate the people. We should also bring them medicine to help with their injuries. All the modern medicines thet we have would be very helpful to them.

Kameceya said...

I think that America should help Haiti by bringing clean drinking water to Haiti. If the disease is spreed through contaminated water then having good drinking water should help to rehydrate the people. We should also bring them medicine to help with their injuries. All the modern medicines thet we have would be very helpful to them.

Unknown said...

I think the united states should help them and vring every thing they need over there until further notice