Notes from the Virtual Ms B

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What the World Eats

Read this article from CNNgo about McDonalds & China - for $250 you too can get married at McDonalds. Read the article, analyze what you see in the pictures, and write how this relates to globalization. Is this a positive or negative consequence of globalization?


mani said...

I think this a negative consequence of globalization because mc donalds is every where and pretty soon they could have are mc donalds setting up weddings and what not so that one thing I hope dosen't get passed on to america

Unknown said...

People getting married at McDonald's is foolish because it is an American restraunt that is for eating not getting married. It has a negative consequence, because you can't drink and have a nice wedding like a couple should have.

Unknown said...

why would you want to get married at McDonald's that's wrong on so many level's what happen to the old way when people would cook big dinner for wedding but now it like they throw the old ways out the window nobody care about the old way only thin they care about is the money

francess :) said...

OMG - getting married at Mc'Donalds looks CHEAP ! ! !

When your getting married to someone it should be one of the happiest days of your life, not some big JOKE to goof around with because to me that shows that your not taking your relationship serious :)

Unknown said...

I think that it is a negative consequence because it is not the regular wedding that a couple would have.Than more people may want to have weddings at mc donalds then it can mess up the history of a great wedding.

ComputerApplicationClass . 18weeks . said...

I feel if you ever have the idea of getting married at McDonalds then there is a problem between you and you couple/mate. Weddings is an important event that should go on and you should act like it, no matter what the cost is. I believe that is A NEGATIVE CONCENQUENCE!

eboney@40 said...

well i think that if u get married at McDonalds well i think u got a problem to cause why in the world would some black people get married there and by the way not trying be rude or mean not trying talk about white people but the point is who would get married at McDonalds?but just so u know some people would get married there!!!:):)

Beauitful said...

McDonalds.? Really! Come on now I dont think that people should not be getting married there. Because of globalization McDonalds would not be all the way over there so they can make up people getting married.I think this is a Negative Consequence of globalization!

Rashayy said...

I think that this is a postive and negative thing because if two people dont have that much money to get married but they want to they can just go to McDonalds and pay the $250.00. It's a neagtive thing because it will hold up the custom service. This relates to globaliz-ation because this has pros and cons. This relates to globalizati-on because it has to do w/ culture and religion.


ML said...

I think this is a positive consequence because its good that chinease people can embrace american culture and have McDonald's. Even though they putt a twist on it by having weddings at a food place.

kejaun said...

I think that its cool that somebody got married at mcdonalds. I just knew it was going to happen one day. But if I ever did get married I dont think i would get married at mcdonalds. So it is cheap I think that is dusty to do that

Unknown said...

I think it is postive and negative, because like when you go to Hong Kong you like pay way more then what we do out here. Its like are they more important then us. But that was negative. Here is the postive we aint pays that much as they do and it will be different and unique.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a negative consequence or globalization because the whole McDonalds thingy isnt tradition, which shows that the way americans live is rubbing off on other contries.. i think its negative !!!!!

Unknown said...

itz like bro who gets married at mcdonalds i aint never seen nothing like it thats suppose to be were u got eat at.

Unknown said...

This is a postitve thing because McDonalds is getting more money and their expanding what they do. But its negative becasue China is a health place & mcdonalds is unhealth & its making America Bigger then it needs to be.

bejja said...

mcdonalds is a restraunt that is for eating not getting married.i think when people are so called in love they should do a wedding the old way not at mcdonalds that just not right and if they aint got no money im sure there are other places that would let them do a pay plan or tht aint that high. i think this is negative